It looks like its going to be a wet week in Georgia, which means lots of rain and wetness and gloomy weather. So i have to find ways to stay dry,and comfortable without boring myself to sleep. For the first day, i'm rocking a girly anorak jacket to a bit of glamour to regular raingear, and motorcycle boots from Target And colorful Umbrella**(yes, the colorful umbrella is important, amidst the see of black and navy blue ones, its nice to see a little color)**. The striped dress is a staple because put it on and boom!! done dressing.Happy Monday Folks, and for my Georgians, stay dry and safe on those roads...driving in Atlanta gets even more ridiculous when you add water.
Day 1 of the wetness: I'm wearing a target anorak jacket and boots, newport news striped dress and random umbrella i found at home.
Photocredits go to the Nimsta!!
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