This past few days, the weather....gorgeous. This outfit is from Friday, right as it was starting to warm up. I'm incredibly over layered, as i hate being cold, so i like to err on the side of too much.
Outfit-wise, i wanted to play with colors and patterns a little bit, so i skipped the expected all-black sweater and paired the patterned gray/black/white one with my striped dress and gray anorak. My pink pashmina and bag add my ever present pop of color.I love being in this striped dress, just cause its so versatile...go
here and
here to see how i've worn it in the past.
This weekend was simple and easy and while I would love to be able to say that i got a lot of things accomplished this weekend, in all honesty, i didn't. I spent the weekend catching up on sleep and playing outside in the gorgeous weather. I will resume my usual weekend antics next weekend.
Anyway, here's to a fantastic week to us all.
Happy Monday!!

anorak jacket and bag-target, dress-newport news, boots-bakers, sweater-goodys