After my week long school vacation, i'm back in school. 8am classes everyday for the next month. Meaning, convenience will be the name of the game for the next few weeks.
My weekend of freedom was fantastic. I learned to Rumba and Salsa, finally watched Slumdog Millionaire (such a great movie) and found new black shoes to add to my growing collection of shoes. Plus i was fortunate enough to celebrate Mother's Day with a caring mother. All in all, a fantastic weekend. Here's to an even better upcoming week :-)
I also rebraided my hair (for those who noticed), for 2 reasons. The most important being the afore mentioned convenience factor, the second is to allow my hair a break.

Jacket-BCX, Lace Shirt -Express, Skirt -Target, Shoes-Bakers
Photocredits go to The Manfriend!