Due to a disease called procrastination, i ended up waiting till the very last minute to run my errands for Fathers' Day. Thankfully, in the midst of all the errand running, we found time to take a few pics. If anyone knows the cure for this terrible disease called procrastination, don't hesistate to share.
Happy Father's Day to fathers everywhere.
I'm off to practice the dance to a song i wrote for my father when i was 7 so i can perform it for him and other members of my fam after brunch .
It starts off:
Daddy,you're such a superstar...(2x)
*feel free to borrow it and add your own lyrics and give it to your dad(just don't say i never gave you anything )*

jean jacket: arizona, tank and bag- target, skirt-f21, shoes-converse
photocredits go to the Lachmeister!