My crazy May schedule of 8am classes and then dashing off to work is winding down and i couldn't be happier. It was absolutely liberating to sleep past 6am this morning, and i even went to the park with the Manfriend before heading to work.The flowers are in bloom, songs of nature fill the air, and i fit right in with this really colorful floral jacket.

Dress-Express, Blazer- Papell, Shoes- Nine Westphotocredits go to the Manfriend!
Very sexy dress and great outfit! The floral jacket is wonderful :-)
I will always love your shoes!
love the shoes
That jacket is tres cute!
love the whole outfit!
the floral blazer, the shoes and the stacked bangles.
so colorful outfit
I love your hair and your shoes
have a nice week
oh I love that little blazer
That blazer is brilliant, love it!
hey there I chose u as my this months styleCrush...I´ve posted some of your pics at my blog, if you want me to remove them just contact me!
have a blessed one!
Ouch! this jacket is on's so hott...why don' I find cute tings like this! I so wish!..As for the gorgeous did it again: i.e. made me jealous!
nice jacket..
Cute ensemble!!!
I love your jacket!
You look great - glad you are having a great time.
Is everything that looks good on you?
Let me rephrase that;why does everything look good on you,hehe!
Look is adorable! And that smile...
Fab jacket and shoes!
girl you always impress me, learning a few tips here, nice outfit.
saw you on WHo WHat Wear June Muses.....congratualations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so pretty. those shoes are killin' it!
Those shoes! And kudos for getting up so early every day...I can't say I went to my early classes that often this semester. Ha!
Nice and cheerful!
Very nice I like your shoes, very cute :)
lovely jacket!
Congrads on being featured on!
LOVE the jacket!
i like d blazer
it's different!
Your blog is so kool. I love the fact that u are from Nigeria and I get to see what people out there wear. You look absolutely beautiful. Ur jacket Oozes Balenciaga. Good job.
Please come and visit us.
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