The Return

Simple outfit i wore for the drive back to Atlanta. Of course as we neared the City, it got cooler, so i had to break out my black faux leather jacket. I was reminded of how sorry i was to leave Savannah... and how ready i am for WARMER weather...Oh Spring where art thou???


Gaƫlle PRUDENCIO said...

So classy!! I truly love your shoes!!!

bibishelter said...

It simple but it works!!!I like the stripe top!
Please check my blog you are on my favorite blog list on my blog.

Velma Williams said...

Love the top. really cute!!

Elle Woods said...

love the top. Where did u get it from if you don't mind my asking.

NakedSha said...

simply beautiful

*Diane* said...

Thanks Ladies!

@ Elle Woods: the top is actually from Ross

Blogoratti said...

Lovely stripes..