I have a special thing for button down shirts. They're right up there with my penchance for dresses. Especially short thigh bearers. But i digress. I added two mens' button downs to my ever growing collection of shirts. One is fairly simple, with vertical green and white stripes, while the other seems more appropriate for a pimp who has an affinity for penguins. So of course, i got them both. And being the very patient woman that i am, i wore them the first chance i got, the first ensemble was worn to school, the other was worn to work for "Casual Friday".

Mens' Shirt-thrifted, vest-Macys, jeans-dots, boots- gojane

Jacket-F21, Mens' Shirt- Thrifted, Jeans- F21, Boots-Target
Photocredits go to my sisters, Lachmeister and Nimsa!!