It cooled down and rained on Thursday (which was my birthday)and so i had to be sensible and put away the high heels that i wanted to wear. I was a bit bummed but i've been assured by numerous kind people that rain on your birthday means blessings :-) I found this dress that is numerous sizes too big, but i'm kinda intrigued by the random paint splotches that look like i may have painted on my dress, but i knew i had to wear it . I wore boots with the dress adding a bit of ruggedness to the girliness of the dress was off to school where i spent hours studying for my accounting midterms. Not the ideal celebration i had planned for my 21st, but i hoping its was well worth it.
Thankfully, i will be celebrating with friends and family during the weekend.

Dress-thrifted, tights- target, boots-target, jacket-f21
Photocredits go to the Manfriend!!
Happy Birthday.
A belated Happy Birthday. I love the colours on your tunic today.
How did I miss this? I mean HOW?? I'm loving the PUNK CHICK look. Hope you had fun on your day B!!
Lovely dress! I hope your celabration will be fun!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you enjoyed it :)
Great find with the dress - it's really cute!
happy belated birthday and a love the dress!
Your dress is beautiful :-) Amazing colours!
Totally cute - love the chunky books to offset the girly dress. Happy b-day again! 21 is so special. :)
That's a nice cheerful dress.
Happy birthday in arrears!
n i love your hair
Happy Birthday....Kim is such a sweetie
Wow, beautiful dress! You have the most adorable style. Hope your birthday was great!
Happyy Birthday D! The dress is lovely, when I come to atlanta you gotta show me the spots to shop at. :-D
Happy be-lated Birthday!
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