Instead, i will be at home. Since I have not been gifted with the opportunity to do any of the afore mentioned things, i will spend my spring break, catching up on lost sleep, side projects and exploring Georgia.
No outfit pic today, because i plan on studying all day. In my pajamas...not much excitement and definitely not picture worthy. So instead, i'm sharing a project i did this morning. It should be included in the Lazy Girl's Guide To Jewelry Making Because it takes all of 2 minutes to make.
*Glasses cords/string (i got mine @ cvs, but i think they can be found at all corner drugstores next to the glasses)
*Thick Chain Link (its actually a purse handle and i got it a craft supply store ie: Michaels, Joanna, etc)
Step 1: Attach one end of the link to one end of your cord.
Step 2: Repeat step one to the remaining unattached ends of link and cord.
And boom!!!
The necklace looks great. Enjoy your break. How about joining our skirt challenge? I have five takers so far!
Do you wear the jewelries you make or they are just for fun? I have been trying to learn how to create one of those. Went to Michaels but came out empty handed
Try and do something for the spring break....'cos you know one professor is going to ask you what you did for spring break
I would recommend some place in ATL, but uhhh...i havent found any spot
Great job Africana! As you start Spring we in the southern hemisphere are looking so forward to the crispy fresh air that Autumn brings. happy Spring break to you!
Wow, that is super cute. Good job! BTW, I'm lovin your blog
you have a very picturesque blog, love your posts , you are welcome to visit mine and offer your comment specially on this post:
you have a very picturesque blog, love your posts , you are welcome to visit mine and offer your comment specially on this post:
im in love with your style
you should do the bellanaija's my style thing they do
That necklace is genius -- very clever you are :)
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