No matter how much i long to be an ebay hunter so that i can show off my cyber loot, i'm too apprehensive to try it. I was badly scarred by my first foray into online purchasing. A friend of mine wanted to buy an ipod off ebay and she convinced me to try it out as well. As you may have guessed, she received her order within a week. I on the other hand, never received my order,i even had to file a claim with Ebay and after a grueling 3months of proving i paid for the ipod, i finally received 75% of my money.
When i spotted a tulip skirt online @ F21, I searched high and low for it in all the F21 stores i could find. I wouldn't buy it off the F21 site because I 'm still unconvinced about making purchases online, especially clothing. Call me old-fashioned, but i've been duped one too many times. So you can imagine my excitement when i saw it at Target. I attached my newly thrifted brooch for a touch of random.

Shirt and Jacket-F21, Skirt-Targt, Tights-CVS, boots-A.E for Payless, brooch-thriftedPhotocredits go to the Manfriend!