The weather in Ga has been absolutely gorgeous these last few days and so i figured this was the right time to break out the shorty short dresses, as well as my afro. I love the freedom that comes with rocking my fro.i don't have to worry about the wind messing it up during car rides and things like that. My only problem is that i'm extremely lazy when it comes to my hair, and i always run out of cute things to do with my it. I'm going to make more of an effort this summer. But today's theme was to be carefree, i think i accomplished that.
Natural is the way forward, you will be suprised at how fast it grows, anyapsoh's blog has a list of blogs that cater to people with natural hair on her side bar. Besides Afro's are high fashion too! xx
I know this wont make this post but....i sure hope u didnt wear this to work,,,if so, i'm glad i'm off....cause there IS NO WAY IN HELL i could contain myself and keep from trying to do whateva to you....:)....i mean look at the legs...the toes...the smile....the neck let me stop before i come up there to see this
OMG the outfit is too cute and fabulous!! but to be completely honest im all about rockin the natural new afro...but you either need to make it more curly or give it some moisture or something, because it looks really dry and not maintained very well...i like it i just think it could be cared for a little better...good look though!
you look fantastic, the dress, the sandals and the hair. Great idea to go natural for the summer, you'll enjoy it a lot more if you don't feel you have to worry about your hair all the time.
I love ur blog and had no idea you were natural. You can't possibly be lazy with that 'fro. It's so cute. You should try a twist out. Twist you hair then wash it, let it dry for a day and then take the twists out. If you email me, I can send you a link to my hair journal so you can get ideas. I went natural in Jan. 08 and it's the best, I love it!!! Here's my email
I also love flower dresses, the sandals are cute as well def' feelin the fro, it's the way to go this summer in my book as well even thu my people in africa where i reside arent feeling it....Oh well:)
The smile never changes,even with a new look..
Liking the prints on that dress and the matching sandals*
Hair looks great for the summer!
Natural is the way forward, you will be suprised at how fast it grows, anyapsoh's blog has a list of blogs that cater to people with natural hair on her side bar. Besides Afro's are high fashion too!
I know this wont make this post but....i sure hope u didnt wear this to work,,,if so, i'm glad i'm off....cause there IS NO WAY IN HELL i could contain myself and keep from trying to do whateva to you....:)....i mean look at the legs...the toes...the smile....the neck let me stop before i come up there to see this
I love afros! I hope you don't think I'm too dumb if I ask how you made such a dramatic change overnight. Did you have extensions before?
aww the 'fro looks good. Love the dress.
I love the way you rock your afro!!! the best way you wore your hair EVER!!
Thanks everyone!
And Kasmira, i just washed it and left it out. and yes, usually i do wear extentions.
Love love love the sandals. And the afro too. Now I'm thinking about going naturel. Psyche! lol
I love the dress! The afro looks good, mine used to be that length/ longer sef and i got tired of it and chopped it all off.
Nice dress and I really wish I could lay hands on ur sandals and you sure have a way with style.
OMG the outfit is too cute and fabulous!! but to be completely honest im all about rockin the natural new afro...but you either need to make it more curly or give it some moisture or something, because it looks really dry and not maintained very well...i like it i just think it could be cared for a little better...good look though!
african beauty...
you look fantastic, the dress, the sandals and the hair. Great idea to go natural for the summer, you'll enjoy it a lot more if you don't feel you have to worry about your hair all the time.
Great look - you remind me of Corinne Bailey Rae.
welcome to the club girl! it looks good.
Hey :-)
great hair - I like it very much!
The dress is beautiful, you look cute :-)
I LOVE your hair like that, it looks amazing.
I am currently going natural myself so I am loving the fro! Plus I love those sandals.
I luv your dress and I wish my hair was natural like yours!
Oh great look! I LOVE the hair!!! Looking very pretty!
I love ur blog and had no idea you were natural. You can't possibly be lazy with that 'fro. It's so cute. You should try a twist out. Twist you hair then wash it, let it dry for a day and then take the twists out. If you email me, I can send you a link to my hair journal so you can get ideas. I went natural in Jan. 08 and it's the best, I love it!!! Here's my email
Great style too!
Your hair looks amazing! And those shoes...oh envy. :) Finals are killing me but catching up on your blog is such a nice distraction!
I also love flower dresses, the sandals are cute as well
def' feelin the fro, it's the way to go this summer in my book as well even thu my people in africa where i reside arent feeling it....Oh well:)
You're a true beauty, Miss africana! I love your hair & your wardrobe & everything. gosh, I just wanna raid your closet right now.
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