I should have gone to bed early last night because for once i did not have papers or reading to do. But instead, i was up reading Maximum Ride by James Patterson late into the night. I recommend this book for adventure lovers...i can't put it down!

blouse-thrifted, jacket-too long to remember, pants-Dots,boots-target,
Photocredits go to the Manfriend!
Lovely top...simple look for the warm weather!
Every time you wear those boots I can't help but go home and give mine a second look. You always make them look so chic! I love that top too! I've been on the hunt for a great button down casual top.
Oh you look so cute! I love the blouse and the glasses!! I'd love to see a close up of the blouse, super cute!
maximum ridei think i will check that out. nice belt. i can see you are reppin africa..
Did you say you wore the top backwards? It is so beautiful. I wonder how it looks when worn otherwise.
I like the way the glasses fit with your outfits.
I sure love the warm weather...
LOVE! I almost came to school like that...short sleeved shirt with my black jeans and boots...but My lazy bum didn't let me iron the shirt so I threw on a t-shirt instead...lol... I know.I didn't try.
Nice as always B!
Your jacket is cuteee.
I love your blog.. been reading for a while now! lol.
Loving the outfit.
I love the shoes of yesterday too.. pleeeeeeeeease where did you get them from (I am a serious shoe addict!)?
God bless
I really love your shoes and bag! They are amazing!
And your sunglasses - very sweet!
Cute look! Love the blouse.
I love the grey on you, especially with the tan. I hope it continues to get warmer for you...for me I am looking forward to cooler weather so we can get the layers on!
I love the simplicity of the look which seems so at ease with the world in a stylish way.
Maximum Ride series is GOOD! I finished The Final Warning few months ago and can't wait for book 5 MAX to come out soon
Those shades really work for you.
Absolutely loved Maximum Ride. Currently looking for more James Patterson books. I think i've read all the ones i've ever laid eyes on.
Love the outfit! 'specially those quirky glasses!
this is fab. love it. adore those boots.
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