My picks for September. Enjoy!

My picks for August, another fun month. Enjoy!

My picks for July. More summer, aka no pants!! Enjoy!

My favorites for June. I think June was my favorite month of the year...gotta love the summer time.

Here my favorites for May. I was enjoying the ease of my twa(teeny weeny afro)while praying desperately for some Enjoy

Ok, finally got some pants in there. Here are my favorites for April.

I can't belteve that 2009 is on its way out. This year feels like it sped at max speed. I figured i'd end the last days of the year on my usual over dressed note and
chose this billowy blue dress. I didn't realize that this dress was really sheer, so i ended up wearing a skirt underneath.

Here are my favorites for March. I'm noticing though, that i wear skirts ALOT.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas Holiday. I did.
I'm in resting mode till the festivities of the New Year Celebration starts up.
I'm behind on emails and things like that. Forgive me. I have no good reason except its the I'll get on it asap.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
I hope we all have a safe and spectacular holiday.
I hope i get everything i've asked for from Santa...i've been pretty good this year.
I'll be back with an outfit post on Dec. 26, but i'll continue with the best of AWD for the rest of the year.
Here are my picks for February. Click on the outfits to see more of the outfit