The Best Of AWD: January 2009

I saw this being done on a few blogs, and i like the idea. So, I want do a recap of my favorite outfits throughout the year. Here are my pics for January:


Elise Bryant said...

the outfit with the light blue dress is my favorite, but you look great in all four!

leggy said...

the light blue is also my fave.

Milan said...

Luv them all. The blue dress is so pretty. Luv the 3rd outfit a lot too.

Gaƫlle PRUDENCIO said...

Hey! I am going to do this!!
By the way you are the best blog I have discovered this year!

Nemerae said...

This is such a nice idea..!
I also love the blue one =)

simplychic said...

what a great idea! such a fun post.

that blue dress is great on you.

Anonymous said...

lovely outfits. u must not live in da east coast though, cause a dress in january??? hahahah that's funny