After being up till 3am this morning, i tried to stay in bed as long as possible. I finally jumped out of bed, with minimum time to spare, grabbed the closest clean items in my closet and ran out of my house. I had a morning study session, my final accounting class for the semester and work. Sad to say but i'm running on fumes and these chunky baubles are the best i could come up with.
Knit Sweater ("borrowed" from my mom)
White Shirt( F21)
Jeans (MaxRAve)
Brown Boots (Payless)

Photocredits go to my delightful Manfriend!
It's a simple look, yes, but you make it your own by adding the baubles...and now it's tranformed into something more special :)
I don't think this looks thrown together at all! :-) It looks fabulous - love the colors, the layers and the necklace!
Have a great weekend!
hon great jeans and yummy cardi!hope you have a good wknd ahead.
cute necklaces ... Check out the new lucky mag page 46.......
Running out the door clothes work for you! Loooove the sweater!
i LOVE this outfit. that cardigan is perfectly fitted, & that necklace...
love it all!
La C.
You look great, I love the necklaces! I feel your pain, I'm in the same state this morning. :P
A very cute and simple look for casual, elevated by the awesome accessories!
Love that little cardi, its the perfect colour on you :)
Even when you throw something on, it still looks amazing! Love the baubles and the color of the sweater...your mom has good taste too!
Good luck with all the studying!
Cute and casual and the necklaces give it a extra something! Love it!
Kayleigh: Thank you! I try to keep things a bit interesting even when i'm running late!
Katie: You're so sweet! And thank you!
Marian: Thanks you!
Rosilen:I'm waiting for my copy to come in the mail.
Unwise Pedestrian: Ha! now if only i could channel it...but thanks!
La C. Thanks! Hard to believe the cardi has sat in the back of my closet for like 3years.
Andrea: Lol.Thanks!Hope it gets more relaxing for the both of us.
Sheila: Thank you! i hoped so.
Jen: Thank you!
Erica: You're so sweet,thank you!
Ms.B.C: Thank you!
i love that necklace. the whole outifit is fabulous.
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