I've gotten a few requests to do a "what's in your school bag" post, as well as my tips for organization and studying.
Here you go: Inside the Big Blue Bag
I like having exciting and interesting things to look at, so I keep my school folders quite colorful. Now this may not apply to everybody, but I noticed that interesting folders and binders seem to beckon to me to open them and review their contents.

To stay organized, i write almost everything down. i carry a planner, a little booklet that holds my sticky notes for notes to myself or reading annotations when i study. The pink sequinned item in the middle is my wallet. And my ipod helps keep me sane.

This is basically my "make-up regimen" right there... if i can't put it on with one hand while driving to work, i probably won't own it. Bigelow lip balm,a loreal green eyeliner and mascara for days when i wanna look extra special...lol. I wear glasses in class.

And i always have a book in my school bag, along with a mints. And last but definitely not least...my blackberry..aka an extension of my right hand.

**As far as organization goes, my folders, sticky notes and planner keep me pretty organized. I make a ton of lists...for example, i have a daily goal list, of things that i have to/want to do for each day.
**And as far as studying goes, these 2 tips haven't let me down yet:
1. Look over the material BEFORE i go to class. it gives an idea of what to expect in class and that way, i'm prepared with questions that help me better understand what the material.
2. Embrace notecards. While reading over the material for my classes, i usually make notes on note cards. It makes the material more memorable as i'm reading it and writing it as well. And its easier to study because i already have incredibly portable notes to refer back to.