I try to pre-plan my outfits...at least Monday's outfit, since i always have difficulty getting up on time on Monday morns. I picked out an outfit, but changed it this morning because per the newscaster, it was going to be a sweltering 91 degrees today. So i changed my mind and instead resorted to the old "if you don't know what to wear, put on a dress". Kept it simple because i did not want to work up a sweat running from class to work. And thanks Anchibride, i'm feeling much much better today.
This is what i wore:
Tan Dress: Max Rave
Brown Pumps: Nine West
Brown Bag: Target
Necklace: Burlington Coat Factory

Photocredits go to the always lovely Lachmeister!
Wow, your wrap dress is fierce!
I love the wrap dress style. I've collected a few of them ... don't see them around so much anymore so I'm glad I did. They're so easy to wear and look good for anything.
Whenever I go to Sri Lanka to visit family I take my wrap dress. I think next time I'll also take some fabric and have them make another one from the pattern of my dress. This is such a versatile look.
Thank you *Anchibride* i have a love hate relationship with the wrap dress. And making a wrap dress is a fabulous idea! I 'm going to have to steal it from you.
Hi Lady D,
Clicked over to your site from another fashion blog - great taste! Quickly scrolling through the pics I think the blue aaccent pieces work great for you.
Your dress is so chic! I love the lacy on it.
I love that wrap dress, thats so cute. I saw that at MaxRave but didn't get it, should have! You look great!
i love wrap dresses! your outfit is quite lovely!
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