Monday Blues and Twirl-a-skirt

Happy Monday Everyone!
To help me ward off the monday blues, i put on my twirl-a-skirt and a fun black and colored block top. The skirt would flutter gracefully around me as i rushed up and down stairs in attempts to get to class on time.I love this skirt, i put it on, and instantly, i want to twirl. It's kinda funny too because the top has a cut-out back, so i felt way more rebellious today (showing back skin @ work is so risque!) Of course i put the jacket on whenever i left my desk, don't want to end up as the office hooch. So, here's what i wore:
Top (Macy's)
Skirt (Goodys-Borrowed from my sis)
Belt(Came attached to pants from 5-7-9)
Gray Pumps (Rugged Warehouse)


Sheila said...

Very cute! I'll be wearing a full skirt today too!

Fashion Guru said...

im loving the top girl!