Fierce in Stripes 'n Blue

Wednesday! Hump Day! Yay!
I wasn't feeling too well when i went into work today so my wonderful Manfriend offered to cheer me up by spending the day with me.So i left work, changed into jeans, and off we went for a day of much needed us time. It was wonderful! We went to a movie and did a bit of shopping and ended the night by watching ANTM 11...yeah i know(lol), i really like Tyra, maybe deep down i want to be America's next Top Model! Kidding, that's not my thing really, but i thought i'd channel their fierceness in one of my pics.

This is my fierce pic! This is what i wore for work


Sheila said...

Cute outfit in both incarnations! I like the pop of the shoes.

Stand up straight, shoulders back - I'm guilty of bad posture myself, but it does make a huge difference in the photos. :)