My 100th Post!! I wish i had something a bit more special planned but since i donot, i just want to thank all the lovely readers who stop by and a special thanks to those who comment. Thank you awesome ladies for making me feel welcome in the blogging community....
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming :-P
Today was not only very cold, but the wind chill factor was very high! Those two together make for a very cold day that's also windy. I got to school and realized that I'd missed my usual shuttle and had to stand longer than usual at the shuttle stop this morning. So, after a quick pep talk to myself before i braved the cold,i marched up to the shuttle stop, and claimed my place in line... in my battle stance.
Why in my battle stance you ask? Because getting on the shuttle is survival of the fittest! The weak and the slow don't survive (or don't get a seat on the shuttle). And i knew i had to survive ( i didn't want to be late to class and i wanted to have a place to sit on the shuttle).
So as i stood there, battle stance and even battle face on, a girl i don't know says to me, " Its so cold out here, but you look so warm " I laughed so hard and then told her that she was right because i was actually so layered up that the coolness of the morning did not have too big an effect on me. I think she was trying to distract me and take my place in line....Amateurs..
This is what i wore:
Scarf (Target )
Coat (F21)
Dress( Macys)
Tights once again layered (Target)

Photo credits go to the gracious and ever-patient, Manfriend!!