Blog Award!!

The always sweet Andrea ,of A cat of impossible color, was kind enough to make my day a little brighter by giving me the Butterfly Award! (And i love butterflies and awards ) And the lovely Kayleigh of Fashionably Later also gave me the Your Blog is Fabulous Award!

Thank you Andrea and Kayleigh!!

So the rules require me to give it to seven favourite blogs, and so I would like to present it to the following lovely ladies whose blogs i enjoy perusing thru on a daily basis...
Sheila @ Ephemera
Kayleigh @ Fashionably Later
Anchibride @ Udarata Kellar

You ladies are wonderful and truly deserve it!!!


Kayleigh said...

Thank you sooo much -- I'm very flattered & touched you thought of me. And I have to tell you, my 7yo DD adores butterflies so she thinks this is the coolest :)

Have a great holiday weekend and thanks again!!!!

Andrea Eames said...

Aw, thank you so much! :D

Sheila said...

Thank you, that is so sweet.

90-Dayer said...

Thank you Lady D, you're the greatest! I love butterflies too, I have two tattooed on my body :) Don't tell my mom :)

Unknown said...

Thank yooooouuuuuu!! I feel truly honored!