There was a palpable excitement in the air today, not in my 8 o clock class though because everyone was still asleep in there, but after that, excited people everywhere. Most likely because the 44th and First African American President, Barack Obama was inaugurated into office today. It was such a beautiful occasion, and even though i'm not in Washington, its incredibly exciting to know that i was able to witness history being made. And more importantly i'll even have documentation of what i was wearing. Hehe!
As far as my clothes, I couldn't resist wearing my pink coat again today. Plus, it was just what i needed for today's dip in temperatures because it was once again in the teens when i left home this morning. I wore pants that could be seen as pushing the boundaries of "office appropriate" pants simply because they're so fitted(or tight-like according to my sister). Thankfully i work in a very business casual work place
and i have a gray cardi which i think balances out the super fitted look of the pants..
Coat (vintage)
Gray Cardi ( Target)
Shirt (Target)
Pants (Victoria Secret)
Boots (Gojane)
Gloves ( F21)
Bag (Target)

Photo credits go to my ever considerate Manfriend!