Today is considerably off to a better start. I’m wearing a scarf which is doubling as my hat on this cold fall morning, so forgive the hat hair. In a bit of the spirit of yesterday, I’m realizing more and more, that although there’s always little things that everyone wishes they can change; however, for the most part, I’m blessed. And that realization has led me to want to give back, and help those around me who may need it. I’m looking into volunteer opportunities. Feel free to suggest volunteer ideas…. Thanks!
Also, I’m coming up with ways to wear my African clothes into the cooler months. This is a bit of a dilemma for me because, since Nigeria’s weather is mostly tropical, we don’t get very cold. I’ll keep you updated on what I come up with.
This is what I wore:
Coat (F21)
Black Sweater(Urban Behavior)
Bag (Target)
That wrap looks almost identical to one that I have - therefor, I like it! I volunteer with Dress for Success and I love it! It is women working together to help promote self-sufficiency in other women (and it deals with clothes too!).
Lastly, it sounds like you have a great attitude. I try to always remember these song lyrics when something is getting me down -
I will learn to let go what I cannot change
I will learn to forgive what I cannot change
I will learn to love what I cannot change
But I will change, I will change
Whatever I, whatever I can
I love that wrap, and the way you incorporate your African clothes into American-weather-appropriate stuff :)
@ Kim: Thanks! Dress for success definitely sounds like something i can get into, i will definitely look into it!
@ Andrea: Thanks miss!! B-D
Love the wrap - you look mysterious, lol.
Dress for Success is an awesome cause, and there are many similar organizations out there who would love to have someone as fashionable as you helping out. Good for you!
that scarf looks great dear
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