I took yet another day off,to make sure my school work is in order. Once again, keeping it quite casual, and i'm dressed in eye-catching,warm,earthy,colors. Hanging with the Manfriend today, worked on a CIS project, and the plan is to grab lunch, maybe go to the park...the fall weather is kinda nice right now. I've stopped kicking and screaming into the fall season, i'm even appreciative of the coolness its brought. I'm now shopping for winter accesories. I'm going to make and post my list of wants for the winter.
This is what i wore
Top(Charlotte Russe)
Photocredits go to the Manfriend!
oh the print is so fabulous
LOVE the colors on the blouse!
Does it get really cold in Atlanta during Fall/Winter? It gets rather cold here but only for a short time, so I don't get much cold weather stuff.
Love the top - all my favourite colours!
Thanks for the detail shot!
I love fall...it's just starting to get cold here (up on the west coast of Canada...we're the Mediterranean of Canada, no snow for us!), and the trees are just starting to turn colour. I find myself really inspired by all the lovely warm colours.
That top is perfect! And the colors look lovely on you.
My school work is definitely not in order...sigh. :)
*Anchibride: i'm anemic, so i'm more prone to the cold, than some others, but today,the high is 72degrees, and to me, that means carry a sweater :-)
*Sheila, I got you Madame! And we rarely get snow here either, but when we do, everyone panics,forgets how to drive,and basically hide indoors for all 2hrs(when all the "snow" melts away.lol
*Erica- i definitely feel you,i just didn't want to wait till super last minute which i usually do.Goodluck w/ yours!
And thanks to all you lovely ladies!!
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